Commercial Collections


Few aspects of business ownership cause more stress than collection problems. When a customer fails to pay for goods or services you’ve already delivered, it threatens not only your business, but also your livelihood. You have the right to seek the payment you’re owed. Allow a team of commercial collections attorneys help you fight for what you deserve.

As business owners ourselves, we at Philip D. Collins & Associates, P.C. understand the strain that incomplete payments can have on your day-to-day life. That’s why we’re committed to advocating on behalf of other businesses in the state of Texas. If you’re looking to collect outstanding debts in Richardson, Plano, Frisco, or Fort Worth, get in touch with us. We’ll set you up with a free initial 30-minute consultation at our office in Dallas.

The Debt Collection Process

When your customer’s past-due debt is threatening your financial security, tell us how we can help. Our team has the knowledge to guide you through the commercial collection process, and we’ll be by your side every step of the way.

Step One: Gather Information

Your contract with the debtor will be your biggest asset in a commercial collection case. By having a document that clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, your chances of achieving results may significantly increase. A well-written business contract can play a valuable role in a variety of collections issues. It can prove especially helpful if it includes clauses that address:

  • Unpaid debts
  • The assessment of collection costs
  • The responsibility of debtors to pay attorneys' fees

In addition to your contract, letters, notices, phone calls, and other forms of contact that prove your efforts to collect payment may help bolster your case. The more information you’re able to gather, the better.

As your attorneys, part of our role is assessing your debtor’s likelihood of repayment. We’re prepared to research online databases and public records for details surrounding your debtor’s financial status.

Step Two: Contact the Debtor

You’ve likely already informed your client or customer of their outstanding debt to no avail. It may be why you hired a lawyer in the first place. The influence of having an attorney behind the request may help speed up the debt collection process. Tell us when you need legal assistance in informing them of their past-due invoices or help asking for payment or the establishment of a payment plan.

You and your debtor both presumably wish to avoid going to trial. Knowing this, we may advise you to take an out-of-court settlement. We understand no one wants to accept less than what they’re owed. However, if your debtor simply does not have the funds to pay their bill in full, receiving partial payment is better than going to court and risking getting nothing. Ultimately, this is a business decision – collecting some amount and continuing to focus on more profitable endeavors versus spending more good money and time after bad.

Step Three: Litigation

If you decide to pursue payment through litigation, we’ll explain your options and help you choose the path that’s right for you. Debt collection via the litigation process is complicated and often takes time, but when unpaid invoices are threatening your business and your livelihood, it may provide the resolution you need.


Debt Collection: Attorneys

As commercial collection lawyers, we can take several judicial avenues to obtain recovery. We have the ability to obtain a judgment that legally binds a debtor to pay a certain amount. We are also able to utilize liens, writs of execution, and garnishments to secure repayment.

As commercial collection attorneys in the state of Texas, we’re prepared to explore every option when it comes to recovering the payment you’re owed. Reach out to us at Philip D. Collins & Associates, P.C. to schedule a free 30-minute consultation. From our office in Dallas, we proudly represent businesses in Richardson, Plano, Frisco, and Fort Worth.


If you’re a Texas business owner, you’re well aware of the issues outstanding debt can cause. When you need to recover payment for a service or good you’ve already delivered, contact us at Philip D. Collins & Associates, P.C. We’re ready to fight for you so your business can get back to running as it should.

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